Friday, January 8, 2010

What's Most Important?

A teacher stood in front of his class with a large jar and a pile of rocks on the table in front of him. As the class watched, the teacher filled the jar to the top with the large rocks. Then he asked, “Is the jar full?”

The students, seeing a jar full of rocks answered, “Yes.”

“It is not.” The teacher then pulled out a large bucket of sand, which he added to the jar with rocks in it. After filling the jar to the top with sand, the teacher asked, “Is the jar full?”

The class saw a jar completely filled with rocks and sand and answered, “Yes.”

“It is not.” The teacher then pulled out a pitcher of water and filled the jar to the brim. Then he asked, “What is the point of this lesson?”

The students answered, “To fill the jar.”

“No,” said the teacher. “If we would have started with the sand and water, we would not have had room to put the rocks in. The lesson is for you to find what the ‘rocks’ are in your life. What are the important things that you need to do, and how are you going to make time for them so they don’t get left outside your jar at the end of the day?” (Hilton, John III, “Please Pass the Scriptures,” 13; rewritten by me. Also, various examples on the Internet.)

One of my "rocks" is scripture study. I find that when I make time each day to search, ponder, and pray about the scriptures, I am filled with the Holy Ghost and am guided in all that I do. May you find time in your daily life to incorporate the words of Christ and be guided by Him.

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