Friday, January 8, 2010

Always Remember Him. . .

In a previous post, I talked about the importance of finding the ‘rocks’ or important things that we need to accomplish in our daily lives. One thing in particular stands out to me; it is the covenant we make with the Lord every Sunday when we partake of the sacrament. And it’s interesting because the Lord teaches by repetition. In the prayer on the bread, we covenant to “always remember Him” (DC 20:77). Then in the prayer on the water, we covenant AGAIN to “always remember Him” (DC 20:79). It is the only covenant repeated in both prayers. Heavenly Father wouldn’t have us covenant twice to always remember his Son if it weren’t essential to our spiritual journey on this earth.

One way that we can “always remember” Christ is to make time in our daily lives is to “give heed to the words of Christ” (Alma 37:44). In other words, we can set a time in our schedules to study the scriptures. I’m going to do that. My goal is to read the scriptures around 12pm every weekday, around 1pm on Saturday and after 8pm or before church on Sunday. I have a goal also to record my progress here, because "to change is difficult." And this is a big change for me.

Do you have a set time for studying the scriptures? Is it a set length of time or just until you feel fulfilled?

Let’s make the journey together.


  1. Great to see your blog, friend! I'm happy you're sharing your insights, and your goals are awesome--so specific!

    Good luck! And love!

  2. Thank you for being an example to us in sharing the light that is given to you. You are a gem. I am one who likes to read in the morning. I am also funny in that in the winter I like to sit on the heater to read. It is something that helps me get out of bed when I am overwhelmed. I hope you are enjoying your home!

  3. Hi, Our RS president challenged us to read the Book of Mormon by March. They gave us a goal chart, if you want I could get you one. Let me know. It's about two chapters a day and only one if it's long. It's nice to have someplace to check off the little boxes.
